Introduction to GraphQL


  • What is GraphQL?
  • Who is using GraphQL?

  • GraphQL History

  • Core Concepts

  • Schema Definition

  • REST vs GraphQL

What is GraphQL?

  • A data query language for data fetching and manipulations
  • GraphQL is a PATTERN not a technology

  • Client queries are shaped just like the data it returns

  • Language agnostic

  • GraphQL has a formal specification

GraphQL is NOT

  • A Graph database query language
  • An alternative to SQL

  • Facebook Graph AP

  • Limited to specific database(s)

  • Limited to HTTP

  • Limited to JavaScript/NodeJS on the backend

  • A REST replacement

GraphQL History

Who is using GraphQL?

What a GraphQL looks like?

Core Concepts

  • Schema: defines the API structure itself-Core concept

  • Type: definition of a model(Person, Order, Product.)

  • Scalar Type: Int, Float, Boolean, String, ID and custom scalar type(e.g. Date)

  • Object Type: An object type contains a collection of fields, each of which has its own type.

  • Query: Definitions to query data(fetch)

  • Mutation: Definition to mutate data 

  • Subscription: Allows a server to send data to its clients when a specific event happens

Schema definition

-- To define a schema we use a Schema Definition Language(SDL)
-- Declare a type using the type keyword, followed by the name of the type (PascalCase is best practice)
-- The exclamation mark (!) depicts that the fields are required.

Operation Type

There are three types of operations in a GraphQL service:
      -  Query: a read-only fetch
      -  Mutation: a write followed by a fetch
      -  Subscription: a long-lived request that fetches data in response to source events(WS)

Query Operation Type

- Retrieve data
- Specify which fields are returned
- Can pass in variables, good for

Mutation Operation Type

REST vs GraphQL


REST way to Fetch Data

REST way to Fetch Data

REST way to Fetch Data

GraphQL way to Fetch Data

REST vs GraphQL

REST way:

  • Fetch data from multiple endpoints
  • Overfetching: call too much data that won't be all used
  • Underfetching: call an endpoint that has not enough data-forcing to call another endpoint

GraphQL way:

  • Ask for specific fields in a single APl call
  • Can validate requests at build time
  • No under-fetching and over-fetching

REST vs GraphQL


  • Schema definition can become very complex in a big application
  • Steep learning curve
  • Resources and community ecosystems are still growing
  • GraphQL Caching
  • Support rate limiting
  • Monitoring and Error Reporting


